The Citizen recently reported on the classroom instruction aspect of “what makes Fayette County schools special.” But what about the central office aspect of the equation?
An additional Open Records request to the school system has resulted in a tally of the various central office job positions, salaries and staffing numbers.
Excluding bus drivers, figures show 170 persons working in central office and non-school locations and another 45 staff members that work directly with children but are assigned to central office for supervisory purposes.
Included in the earlier report were the approximately 20 non-QBE (Quality Basic Education) funded upper administrative positions in the school district, excluding the superintendent and assistant and deputy superintendents. The remaining upper management positions are but a few of the total number of staff employed in the several central office and affiliated locations.
It should be noted that the following information provided by Comptroller Laura Brock does not include staff at programs such as the alternative school or open campus that conduct instruction outside the traditional classroom setting.
The number of upper administrative positions total 27 in all, including the superintendent and assistant and deputy superintendents. For greater clarity, these positions and their salaries will be identified specifically in the breakdown of the service areas provided below:
• Superintendent’s office — the superintendent at $176,766, the superintendent’s administrative assistant at $57,151 and two clerical staff with salaries ranging from $22,464 to $28,669.
• Deputy Superintendent’s office — the deputy superintendent at $126,912, one custodian, one executive secretary, a copy machine operator, a public information specialist and the public information secretary. The salaries for those positions range from $20,644 to $63,876.
• Pupil Personnel and Psychological Services — the director of pupil personnel services at $99,948, one coordinator of psychological services, one social worker and two secretaries, with their salaries ranging from $28,667 to $88,704.
• Exceptional Children’s Services — the director of exceptional children’s services at $99,948, a coordinator at $97,008, a coordinator at $86,088 and four other positions including a secretary, records manager, officer and bookkeeper with salaries ranging from $24,576 to $50,451.
• Facilities — the director at $99,948 and 43 other positions with salaries ranging from $23,259 to $83,918. Those positions include a variety of job titles including maintenance coordinator, preventative maintenance assistant (2), building assistant (2), grounds assistant (4), HVAC assistant, bookkeeper, custodian, secretary (2), custodial & grounds supervisor, building supervisor, technician supervisor, building technician (6), building electrician (3), electronics technician, HVAC technician (3), kitchen technician (2), lead building technician, led electrician technician, lead electronic technician, lead grounds technician, lead HVAC technician, lead kitchen technician, lead plumbing technician, preventative maintenance technician, lead plumbing technician and lead preventative maintenance technician.
• Transportation — the director at $91,965 and a total of 18 other staff (excluding the 199 bus drivers) with salaries ranging from $20,544 to $81,929. Those positions include two assistant bus shop supervisors, a field clerk, eight mechanics, a secretary, four bus shop supervisors, a bus driver trainer and a clerk.
• Human Resources — the director at $102,972, the assistant director at $86,088 and nine staff ranging in salary from $25,435 to $47,604. Those positions include four HR specialists, a benefits officer, certification officer, HR officer, position control officer and a substitute teacher specialist.
• School Nutrition — the director at $97,008 along with two managers and two secretaries whose salaries range from $25,320 to $44,640.
• Records Retention — two planning and records management officers and a secretary whose salaries range from $29,388 to $49,033.
• Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & Operations — the assistant superintendent at $123,135, the safety, discipline and athletic coordinator at $99,919 and four staff including a school health service specialist, receptionist, secretary and executive secretary with salaries ranging from $30,288 to $44,863.
• Educational Division — this area has eight upper level administrators, including the English & Language Arts Coordinator at $105,829, Reading Coordinator at $97,008, Science Coordinator at $106,397, Social Studies/Foreign Language Coordinator at $104,863, Math Coordinator at $97,008, Testing Coordinator at $97,008, Director of Elementary School Improvement/Professional Learning at $106,104 and the Director of Secondary School Improvement/Professional Learning at $109,308. This central office area has 11 other staff, predominantly secretaries, with salaries ranging from $21,168 to $88,704.
• After School Program — the director at $102,972 and a mentor program manager, secretary and field supervisor. Those salaries range from $17,700 to $30,288.
• Vocational/Lafayette Educational Center — the director at $109,308 and eight staff whose salaries range from $20,644 to $84,192. Those positions include a youth apprentice lead teacher, five custodians, a lead custodian and a secretary.
• Technology — the director at $86,088 and 11 staff with salaries ranging from $35,160 to $74,160. Those positions include five computer technicians, two programmer/analysts, a secretary, a director of technology services, two system infrastructure staff and a network & systems engineer,
• Community Schools — a total of four staff, including a bookkeeper manager, facilities manager, custodian and secretary. Those salaries range from $10,959 to $42,060.
• Comptroller/Finance — the comptroller at $91,392, the audits & reporting coordinator at $86,088 and seven other staff with salaries ranging from $30,433 to $74,452. Those positions include two finance bookkeepers, a fixed assets bookkeeper, a secretary, a payroll officer, a payroll assistant and an accounting supervisor.
• Purchasing/Warehouse — this area has eight staff with salaries ranging from $23,259 to $60,168. Those positions include a purchasing agent, warehouse/delivery officer, a warehouse officer, two delivery truck drivers, a mail room/courier clerk, a purchasing finance assistant and a purchasing facilities assistant.
Beyond these are another 45 staff that work directly with children but are assigned to central office for supervisory purposes. These include psychologists (11), hospital/homebound teachers (2), exceptional child consultants (4), an exceptional child counselor, a general curriculum instructor, occupational therapists (3), physical therapists (3), parent mentor, three special education parapros, instructional support teacher in math and reading (9), a youth apprenticeship lead teacher, a speech language pathologist, a half—time nurse, a full—time and part—time general curriculum special education instructor and a recreation therapist.
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