Religion Briefs 123009


All Saints children’s program set
All Saints Anglican Church, now located at 225 S. Peachtree Parkway, will present its Children’s Christmas Pageant, Sunday, Jan. 3 at 10:30 a.m.

FFUMC seniors plan lunch
Senior Adults in the Titus II group at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church will have lunch at noon Tuesday, Jan. 5, in the Family Life Center Gym.

The cost is $6 for a meal of baked chicken, rice pilaf, peas, rolls, beverage and dessert. The program will be “Aging With Attitide” led by Debbie Britt. For reservations, call Sara James, 770-461-9703, by Friday, Jan. 1. Friends and neighbors are welcome. Attendance is not limited to members only.

GriefShare starts Jan. 7 in PTC
GriefShare, a Christ-centered support group for people grieving the death of someone close, will start Jan. 7 at Peachtree City United Methodist Church and will meet each Thursday night from 6:30 – 8 p.m. in room 308 at 225 Robinson Rd. GriefShare is non-demoninational and is open to anyone in the community. For more information call Helen Ragsdale, 678-817-0238, or Wanda Andereck, 770-716-8306.