Developer Scott Seymour will return to the Coweta County Commission next week to see the outcome of a proposed change to the Fischer Crossings commercial development on the northeast corner of Fischer Road and Ga. Highway 34/54. Commissioners on Feb. 2 were split 2-2 on the issue.
The discussion Feb. 2 involved changes to the conceptual site plan pertaining to the addition of a 10,500 square-foot aquatic center on the north side of the property and questions about the access road situated behind the aquatic center and the NCG theaters located on the east side of the property.
Seymour said that NCG Cinemas, the development anchor, stipulated that they wanted to have another business operating when they opened in November and that he is in negotiations with a company that wants to operate the aquatics center.
During the discussion Commissioner Randolph Collins said he wanted to see the conceptual drawing of the aquatic center before rendering a decision on the matter. Commissioner Tim Lassetter said he had not seen the plans prior to arriving for the meeting that night. Seymour responded, saying that county staff had received copies of the plan on Jan. 20. Also during the discussion, commission Chairman Paul Poole said that he, too, would likely not be able to render a decision at this time.
Commissioner Rodney Brooks inquired about sewer services for the project and was told by Seymour that he had already pre-paid the county’s water and sewer department $800,000 to have the system installed.
Collins again said that his main issue was with the aquatic center on the north side of the property near Wynn’s Pond Road and the access behind the building. The road should be for emergency access purposes, he said. Collins specifically noted concerns such as nighttime security and vehicles having access to that area, adding that he wanted to see the elevations for the aquatic center.
Brooks responded saying that, “It seems like we’re setting a precedent here. We didn’t see elevations (in December). I just want government to get out of the way.”
County Administrator Theron Gay after further discussion suggested that the board give the applicant direction. Commissioners again said they wanted the road behind the aquatic center and theater to be an emergency access road. Seymour agreed to that stipulation.
At that point Brooks made a motion to approve the conceptual site plan with the condition that the emergency access road behind the buildings be added. Poole seconded the motion. The vote was 2-2, with Brooks and Poole in favor of the measure and with Collins and Lassetter opposed. Commissioner Al Smith was not present at the meeting.
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