Cover student art exhibits better


I was very impressed by a recent gallery reception at Artworks on the Square in Fayetteville.

It was well-attended and included a student photography exhibit with cash awards for the top winners.

It is a shame that The Citizen missed such a great opportunity to cover this event and showcase the local arts community right here in our neighborhood. It is also great to see so much support for ongoing student art exhibits at this local level.

I encourage you to cover these events at Artworks on the Square in the future.

Melanie Bowen

Peachtree City, Ga.

[The editor replies: Our small staff is unable to be at every worthy local event and still produce news and sports coverage, three print editions a week and daily updates of our online edition. That’s why we need motivated volunteers to take pictures and send us information about these community events. Send your photos and information to [email protected]. We and your community will thank you.]