The Fayetteville City Council at the Feb. 18 meeting got a look at the audit for the fiscal year ending July 31 and approved a minor change to the purchasing ordinance.
Mauldin & Jenkins representative Miller Edwards in the audit review said total general fund revenues increased to $10.12 million, a difference of nearly $650,000 over last year’s total of $9.4754 million. Most notable were the increases in fines and forfeitures and intergovernmental revenues, for a combined total of $745,000, and a decrease in sales tax revenues of $240,000, Edwards said.
Expenditures for the period increased by $109,000 to a total of $10.11 million.
Noting the fluctuating revenues and expenses of the water and sewer fund over the past five years, operating expenses decreased during the fiscal year due to aggressive efforts by management and staff, the audit report said.
Also pertaining to the water and sewer fund, auditors said the period ending July 31 showed revenues of $5.3 million and expenditures of $4.9 million.
In other matters, the council at the conclusion of the second reading of a proposed change to the city’s purchasing ordinance approved the addition of new language that permits other city entities to make purchases.
The change is designed to provide a consistent set of guidelines for administering purchasing procedures. The only significant alteration to the ordinance would be changing “city council” to “governing body” to allow the Downtown Development Board and Main Street Tourism Board to fully utilize the city’s purchasing manual, said Assistant Finance Director Ellen Walls.
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