Camp Ivy for kids needs help

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Camp Ivy for kids needs help

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I would appreciate very much anyone contacting me if they have some good information that we need.

For 31 years we have rented Calvin Center in Hampton, Ga., to host our camp for children with the chronic disease, Type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes. We will not be able to go back there this year.

If you know a camp that has playing fields for events like soccer, baseball, etc., that would be wonderful. Also, our children over the years cannot wait till swimming time; we will need the use of a pool. Walking trails are always wonderful for our “sweet kids,” as I affectionately call the campers.

We teach them while they are young how important exercise will be for the rest of their lives, in living healthy with insulin dependent diabetes.

We have throughout the week doctors who are eye specialists come and educate our “sweet kids.” Also, dietitians, podiatrists, endocrinology specialists, and while we are playing games, we are learning while we are young how to lead a healthy life.

My home phone is 678-688-5124, and if no one answers, please leave your name and telephone number and we will return all calls. I have a home office in order to be able to work in every way to help our youngsters with insulin dependent diabetes.

Over the 31 years we have held camp, I have seen many changes in our “sweet kids” once they realize they are not the only ones dealing with things they are dealing with, and they seem to do a complete turnaround. I have been blessed and hope that someone can help me to continue to work with these children for a healthier and positive life.

Ivy Lockett, Camp Director

Williamson, Ga.

Letters to the Editor

By Letters to the Editor December 6, 2016

2 good neighbors aid a stranger
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