Bypass bridge design project to be awarded


Design for two intersection projects also up for consideration

A contract to design a crucial bridge project for the west Fayetteville bypass is expected to be approved Thursday night by the Fayette County Commission.

The project will involve the upgrade or replacement of the bridge on Westbridge Road that traverses Morning Creek. The project also includes correction of the sharp curve near the bridge, according to a staff memo on the bid recommendation.

The lowest approved bidder for the design work is Heath and Lineback Engineers, Inc. at $18,229.

The commission is also slated to consider $4,200 bid from LAI Engineering for design of intersection improvements at Newton Road and Ga. Highway 92 and a separate $7,500 bid from McGee Partners Inc. for intersection improvements at Ga. Highway 279 and Old Ford Road.

Funds for all three projects are coming from revenues from the county’s special transportation sales tax.