A banner year for ROTC program


Bettering the community through various service projects is a major focus for the cadets of Sandy Creek High School’s Air Force Junior ROTC (AFJROTC).

This year has been extremely productive for the cadets. Their annual school-wide food drive brought in over 5,000 items for the Real Life Center in Tyrone, the color guard and saber team saluted veterans leaving with Honor Flight Fayette to visit the WWII memorial in Washington, D.C., and the unit honored all veterans through participation in Veterans Day parades and activities, performances at various dedications and visitations to assisted living facilities.

A major achievement for the unit was the completion of a flag display featuring all 50 states that graces the main entrance to the school. The project, which has been two years in the making, was dedicated to former Sandy Creek High AFJROTC Cadet Josh Ivey who passed away in September 2003.

The program also received numerous awards and honors. The drill team, under the guidance of Chief Master Sergeant Mark Davidson, competed in three major meets earning a total of seven trophies and a third place overall rating. Honor Flight Fayette honored the unit with the presentation of a flag from the WWII memorial. The honor highlighted the dedication and commitment of the cadets in serving the community.

The Air Force Junior ROTC program at Sandy Creek is the only Junior ROTC program in the Fayette County Public School System. Students from any high school in the county can participate in the program, but must enroll at Sandy Creek and provide their own transportation to and from school. Interested students should contact their guidance counselors. Colonel Douglas Pearson and Chief Master Sergeant Mark Davidson are available to answer any questions; they can be reached at 770-969-2840, ext 278.