Children will participate in Earth Day events at St.Andrew’s


Saint Andrews in the Pines Episcopal Church Day School children and the Sunday School children will plant three trees this week to celebrate Earth Day. The Sunday School children will plant a cherry tree and the Day School children will plant two dogwood trees. The trees replace those lost during the drought in the summer of 2008.

The children are in the process of learning how trees benefit by reducing carbon dioxide in the air, by giving oxygen back into the air, and by slowing water runoff after it rains reducing the surge of runoff water and erosion.

A special Earth Day Service is planned for Sunday, April 18, at the 10 a.m. service. An Earth friendly luncheon will be served following the service and the trees will be dedicated.

The congregation of St. Andrew’s invites the community to join them in this celebration and luncheon. Reservations are requested so that enough food can be prepared. Call the church, 770-487-8415.