PTC Walgreens plan up for discussion tonight


An amended site plan to build a Walgreens pharmacy that would replace the Ruby Tuesday restaurant at Ga. Highway 54 and Peachtree Parkway will be discussed by the Peachtree City Planning Commission tonight.

The site plan will be discussed in a workshop following the regular 7 p.m. Planning Commission meeting at City Hall. No vote on the site plan is expected.

Because the restaurant is on a tract already zoned for commercial use, the city cannot prevent it from being redeveloped into a drugstore. The city can, however, make sure the development follows all city development and zoning codes and regulations.

Once complete, the Walgreens will offer direct competition to the existing Rite-Aid pharmacy located immediately next door.

Also on tonight’s agenda is a discussion about new criteria to allow farmer’s markets to be hosted on tracts zoned for retail, commercial or industrial use. Another agenda item, about a proposed senior apartment complex, is expected to be tabled as a tour of similar properties will be offered later this week for city staff and City Council members.