Salary supplements still under review by Fayette Board of Education


Salary supplements paid to 927 Fayette County School System employees continue to be a topic for ongoing budget talks by the Board of Education.

One of the things board members will do in coming weeks is to determine which supplements should remain and which should be eliminated. Among those recommended for elimination is the $2,500 supplement in each high school to schedule the use of the auditorium.

In an April 13 report to the board on the work of the various committees and the Supplement Review Committee, Human Resources Director Reanee Ellis said that providing supplements for duties and responsibilities that cannot reasonably be considered an integral part of the position the employee was hired to perform was the guiding philosophy on supplements.

Those supplements are received by 927 of the system’s more than 3,000 employees at a cost of $1.467 million. Supplements can range from around $200 up to more than $2,000 per year, though most occur in the range of $500-$900.

Supplements includes those for elementary and middle school support, technology support, high school extra curricular, special education, social work, psychology and a large number of athletics programs.

There are more than $309,000 in supplements recommended for elimination. Aside from those in areas such as video production, golf, swimming, tennis, literary and health, for example, the board will also consider eliminating the $2,500 supplement paid to an employee in each of the five high schools for scheduling the use of the auditoriums in those facilities. The committee is recommending that the scheduling be assigned as additional non-paid duties to the school secretary and the Fine Arts chairperson.

The school board will likely take up the discussion of supplements in coming weeks since the topic has already been discussed for the FY 2011 budget that must be adopted prior to July 1.