‘New Hope in Haiti’ ministry will hold concert for orphans Saturday night


Christian recording artists John Waller and Julian Drive are joining with New Hope in Haiti, a ministry of New Hope Baptist Church in Fayetteville, for a silent auction and benefit concert to raise funds to relocate Maison d’Enfants Par La Foi, a Haitian orphanage, to a safer location following January’s earthquake.

The orphanage is near high crime areas and children are frightened and traumatized.

The event, New Home, New Life, New Hope, will be held Saturday, June 5, at 6:30 p.m., at Heritage Christian Church, 2130 Redwine Rd, Fayetteville.

Donations of $10 minimum will be taken at the door.

The goal is to raise $200,000 for the purchase of property for the building of a new orphanage outside the slum area of Carrefour where the children are currently located.

Construction will consist of one home which will house the girls and one home which will house the boys, an outside kitchen, dining quarters and living quarters.

Ghost attendance:Those who cannot attend can support the birthing of a new orphanage by giving the $10 requested donation.

After the concert, re-visit the ministry’s website for some concert clips, www.newhopeinhaiti.org/donate.html.