Smith, Maxwell taking lots of credit for other folk’s prior accomplishments


I went to watch the “Fayette County Tea Party” County Commission Forum on May 24. It wasn’t amusing, but it was entertaining, and a learning opportunity.

What did we learn? Well, it was clear that any good thing happening in Fayette County is the result of the efforts of the current commission. And, everything bad that’s happened in Fayette County is the fault of previous commissions. Especially the one just prior to this commission.

This should not be confused with President Obama’s notion that everything good in America is thanks to him and everything bad in America is the fault of previous administrations, especially the one just prior to this administration.

You could include rezoning in a “taking credit where little or none is due” list. [Commissioners] Jack [Smith] and Eric [Maxwell] brag about no rezoning.

The last big one I remember came when I was still on the commission. It was to rezone 40 acres from 5-acre minimum to 1-acre minimum in July of 2007. Smith, Maxwell and Frady voted to grant the rezoning. Pfeifer and Horgan voted against it.

I don’t think there have been any recent requests for rezoning and that has been a result of the economy. The question should be, how many did they turn down?

It’s also clear, from the forum, and from Eric Maxwell’s letter announcing his re-election bid, that he (on behalf of this commission?) is adding to their “taking credit list” the Senior Center, Kenwood Park and Lake McIntosh, all of which have been long-term county projects.

For example, Lake McIntosh has been a project for over 30 years! Eric and Jack just happened to be there when the projects “came in” or were completed.

And, it’s true; the sun did rise again this morning. Thanks, commissioners!

Monday, Jack Smith also told us that he had “wrested control of the government from the politicians and replaced it with people who cared more about the county than about re-election.”

Let’s see, going back 20 years, until 1990, only three commissioners have NOT run for re-election. They were Glen Gosa, Robert Sprayberry and Rick Price. Sprayberry and Price ran for state senate (Price won his election and served two terms in the state senate).

So, the list of those who did run for re-election, totals 19. And, when you include Jack and Eric, it’s 21. What’s different about them again?

When they aren’t badmouthing previous commissions and commissioners, they talk about how, as Jack said, “Fayette has always been ahead of the pack, leading the state with a wonderful lifestyle and a high per capita income and quality education.” (Jack, or was it Eric, said that those who run for commission but talk about schools are ignorant!).

I don’t get this. If Fayette “has always been ahead of the pack,” how does this go together with having to rescue it? Was it “behind the pack” until Jack and Eric arrived and they moved it to “the head of the pack”? If so, this would certainly be quite an achievement.

I think the words arrogant, ungracious, and yes, “politicians” apply here.

We should thank them for their service, and I certainly do, but as Eric said, “It’s time for a change.” It certainly is.

Peter Pfeifer

Peachtree City, Ga.

[Pfeifer is a former Fayette County commissioner.]