Lowe’s helps renovate YMCA day camp


The first week of Y-Day camp is over, and kids are making memories and friends while learning and exploring through activities designed to build honesty, respect, caring, and responsibility. Over 150 kids from Coweta, Fayette and Henry counties were greeted by smiling, friendly staff, and saw all the hard work and effort from recent renovations.

Last month, the Fayette Outdoor Y, 215 Huiet Road, off Hwy 54 in Fayetteville, went through a massive renovation; it wouldn’t have been possible without the help from Lowe’s in Fayetteville, with over 85 employee volunteer hours and an estimated $2,500 in donated materials. The Fayette YMCA’s own camp staff volunteered 125 hours the week before camp began, for a grand total of 350 hours. This partnership is a great example of working together with community partners, to achieve the Y’s goal: to build strong kids, strong families, strong communities.

Because of community donations and volunteerism, the YMCA is able to provide scholarships for families in need. Many children at camp would not be able to attend if not for the generosity of others in the community. This past week, children from ages 5-15, swam, canoed, learned about health and fitness, arts and crafts, nature education, and more.

Angie Crockett, Fayette County resident, and mom to 12 year old Katlyn says, “This is Katlyn’s first year at Y camp; she was a little unsure the first day, but by day two, she had made friends and was having a blast. The counselors treated her great, made her feel welcome. She enjoyed the archery and skits the most, as archery gave her a chance to learn something new, and with the skit, she had fun working in groups with other campers and counselors. She came home tired everyday, having had so much fun!”

There are eight more weeks of summer camp, ending August 6th, each with a different theme, including Winter Wonderland, Space, and Hero week. For more information on camp registration, please visit www.atlymcacamps.com, or call 770-719-9622. Financial assistance deadline is June 14th.