It appears to have become the case of the invisible candidate, or at least one that does not return messages. At issue is the candidacy of Charlie Cave, the challenger in the race for the Post 4 seat of the Fayette County Board of Education held by Dr. Bob Todd. To date, after repeated attempts to contact him and despite his promise to contact The Citizen to be interviewed, Cave has not been heard from.
It is not unusual in a contested race for any candidate to be pressed for time and have numerous engagements to let voters know what they bring to the table. And that was Cave’s point to The Citizen just prior to the Rotary Club of Peachtree City’s meet and greet for all candidates held June 22.
Cave at that time told The Citizen he would be busy speaking with people about his candidacy until the following week. The Citizen told Cave the request for an interview was being made so that he could get his message to tens of thousands of residents of Fayette County.
Yet multiple calls and/or email messages to the candidate to set up a time for an interview have gone unanswered.
Cave was a no-show at the one event at which candidates were subject to live questioning by an audience. In that event, Cave said he had taken ill on the evening of the BOE candidates’ forum held June 17 and could not attend.
To date, the only thing voters have heard from Cave was stated in the three minutes allotted to candidates at the Rotary Club meet and greet session. Cave took all but approximately the last 10 seconds of his remarks to talk about his time in Fayette County, his family, previous employment and his love of the county.
His comments pertaining to what he would bring to his constituents if elected to the school board, stated in approximately 10 seconds, referenced only his “financial experience” and “a spirit of cooperation.”
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