Sullivan loses credibility with false statements


Mr. Neil Sullivan is attributing to Dr. Bob Todd statements he did not make. Dr. Todd did not criticize student, teacher, or staff performance. He has made it clear that system quality will decline unless it more efficiently manages its financial resources.

Mr. Sullivan should stop trying to shift the focus from the real issues of over-building schools and spending millions of dollars on land that is not needed.

He needs to know that the district knew in 2005 (according to board records) they were going to construct schools to house 3,000 more students than were projected to be enrolled; therefore, the school board and staff are responsible for the resulting financial dilemma in which they find themselves.

They apparently assumed that the operation of extra schools would not be a problem. Financing has, however, become a problem due to declining enrollment. a reduced local tax digest, and, for the first time, real cuts in state funding.

Mr. Sullivan loses credibility when he says that he is “pleased” with the school board’s actions related to this financial debacle. Dr. Bob Todd should be commended, not criticized, for pointing to the poor planning in these areas and for seeking solutions to the problems created.

Edith Carpenter

Fayetteville, Ga.