Contest asking teens what Fayette County looks like in 2030


In conjunction with the Fayette Chamber of Commerce 2010 Community EXPO, the Rotary Club of PTC is sponsoring a Technology, Arts & Science Contest for high school teams in Fayette County. The winning school will receive $500. Recognition ribbons, certificates and prizes will be awarded to the winning students.

Notification of time and location of awards will be made to the sponsoring teachers.

The 2010 Community EXPO will take place Tuesday, Sept. 14, from 3-7 p.m.; New Hope Baptist Church, 551 New Hope Road, Fayetteville

The goal of Fayette Future Focus 2030 is to create a community where technology, arts, sciences and social innovation connect.

Entries are to portray a future focused “smart community” project that is visionary and innovative in transforming Fayette County into a sustainable global, multi-cultural, diverse community. There is a maximum of five team members per entry. Teams should consist of individuals with various interests such as science, art, economics, civics, biology, etc. Each team must provide a team statement of 500 words or less describing how their entry shows Fayette in 2030. The concept of transformational change is key.

School name, sponsoring teacher and list of all team participants is to be affixed to each entry. All entries must have been created or designed within the current school year.
Categories in the competition are transportation, energy, water, food, technology, quality of life and health care.

Multiple media will be accepted, including painting, pastels, watercolors, collage, drawing, sculpture, graphics, fiber art, wood, metal, photography, stained glass, models and computer generated designs.

Review and judging of project by a select committee will be based on: innovativeness, universality, emerging trends, technology, quality, connectivity, completeness and future focus in creating a “smarter community.” Does this project show innovative approaches, alter public dialogue in a transformational way and have potential for wider influence or for replication on a larger scale?

Visit for more information and to register online.

For more information contact: Pam Young at 770-846-4730, [email protected] or Joyce Gaglione at 770-461-9983 at [email protected]