Wenzel is weakest candidate of the 3


Lyn Wenzel was one of two central office six figure employees that declined to participate in the voluntary furlough process during 2008-2009 school year. Over 88 percent of those asked agreed to the requested furlough days to help put FCBOE finances in a positive position.

This shows no leadership or team building and sacrifice. For her to possibly be appointed by Smola, Wright and Smith over the other more qualified candidates would certify their desire for business as usual. To me this would be disastrous. She is the weakest candidate of the three.

The Fayette County School System was missing strong leadership and timely decision making as well as good forecasting and budgeting. Transparency and accountability was hard to find.

A new leader, especially Mr. Pugh with his defined strategy to interview all and be transparent, would be an asset to all residents and taxpayers.

David Gardner, bus driver

Fayette County Schools