Message: Redirect SPLOST funds now


The election rhetoric is finally in the rearview mirror and we can all redirect our collective energy to Fayette County’s future. Commission incumbents and challengers laid out for voters two opposing directions on spending any more 2004 SPLOST dollars for planned Phases II & III of the West Fayette Bypass (WFB): We could either accept or reject the project.

The July 20 primary was, among other declarations, a citizens’ mandate to stop an expensive project with no documented need or justification that was able to withstand technical, financial, or public scrutiny. That public has formally and decisively spoken. So where do we go from here?

A boss I once had was fond of saying, “I always reserve the right to get smarter,” and so it may be with the current commission.

Voters have clearly provided the direction they want to go; it is no longer a debate. The commissioners have the authority, and obligation, to carry out the will of the people.

In this obvious case of voter choice, commissioners Smith and Maxwell have an opportunity to suspend the allocation of our tax dollars to Phase II & III of the bypass as allowed by Georgia law.

Tasking the staff, with included public comment, to prioritize other eligible projects, would bring all of our interests in sharper focus for commission approval.

Absent that action, it’s up to one or more of the other three commissioners to respond to voters, or travel their own road to nowhere.

Robert Ross

Peachtree City, Ga.