Extended unemployment benefits now being paid


State Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond announced today that federal extended unemployment insurance benefits are now being paid to 90,994 jobless Georgians. The benefits were enacted by Congress and signed by the President last Thursday, July 22. The law extends the qualifying time for eligible recipients from June 2 through Nov. 30.

The Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL) transmitted benefit payments made through direct deposit yesterday and checks have been mailed today. The total amount of payments made is $76,187,412.20.

“These resources will help qualified Georgia jobseekers pay their bills and support their families while they continue searching for employment during these difficult economic times,” said Thurmond.

Notifications have been sent to eligible claimants. There is no need for claimants to call or visit their local GDOL career centers, unless they are asked to by GDOL staff. Information about extended benefits is available at www.dol.state.ga.us.