Wenzel unsuitable for superintendent


To the Fayette County Board of Education: I read each of the candidate’s applications and was struck by the lack of [Lyn] Wenzel’s suitability for the position in relation to the other two seemingly good choices.

Furthermore, I am surprised she is even being considered since she was a significant member of Dr. DeCotis’ totally flawed and failed administration.

I have spoken with many well-informed Fayette County residents and I can say without hesitation that none of them has a favorable opinion of Wenzel or of Dr. DeCotis’ former administration.

With Dr. DeCotis’ departure, we have an opportunity to clean up the absolutely deplorable financial reporting and control system he oversaw with the 3-2 vote by the existing FCBOE board members’ consent. I will have a lot more to say about this in forthcoming articles that will appear in the local media.

Having said that, I can’t imagine why we would want anyone even remotely connected with Dr. DeCotis’ unfortunate long-serving term as superintendent.

Having been in senior management positions for most of my adult working career, I reviewed many résumés that sounded good but learned that anyone can make a résumé sound good, but, unless you are looking the applicant in the eye and interacting with them, you really don’t have a true sense of the person’s suitability for the position.

I wish the voters had an opportunity to question the short list of candidates you have chosen because we sure will certainly be stuck with whomever you select for many years.

For the good of our school system and the future of our children and grand children, please do the right thing and reject Wenzel.

Jim Richter

Peachtree City, Ga.