Newnan launches pedestrian safety campaign


The city of Newnan is starting a Pedestrian Safety public awareness campaign “Safe STEP.” The city will begin conducting an ongoing campaign to remind drivers to look for pedestrians; and to encourage pedestrians to use crosswalks and follow the pedestrian signal indications.

As part of the public education campaign, the city will be distributing public service announcements to local TV stations. Two of the spots are targeted to drivers, with a hard-hitting message about looking and stopping for pedestrians in the crosswalk. In one spot, a four year-old girl is almost hit by a car in the crosswalk, and in the other, a young girl tells viewers her mother was killed while trying to cross the street safely and asks who will take care of her now.

“The City would like to make the public aware that pedestrian safety is an important issue for both motorists and pedestrians. There are state laws and city ordinances in place for everyone’s safety. Many communities across the nation have addressed this issue and we would like to do this in Newnan since we have such a vibrant and friendly downtown. The safety of our citizens is very important to the city,” said Gina Snider, city of Newnan public information officer.

Safety tips for pedestrians and drivers will appear on the city’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

If you would like more information on ‘Safe STEP’ please visit or contact Newnan Police at 770-254- 2355 or Office of Public Information at [email protected] or 770-253-2682 ext. 203