Two public hearings on Fischer Crossing set for Sept.


The Sept. 16 public hearing before the Coweta County Commission pertaining to a rezoning and conditional use request for the east side of the Fischer Crossing commercial development in east Coweta will be joined by another that night that requests the abandonment of 1,100 feet of Wynn’s Pond Road as it approaches Fischer Road. The developer is requesting that the road be re-routed north and then west to connect to Fischer Road.

Plans submitted by developer Scott Seymour call for re-routing the current roadway that, otherwise, would connect with Fischer Road immediately to the rear of a portion of the approved commercial development on the east side of Fischer Road and directly across from the 136,000 square-foot Sams’s Club retailer now under construction.

Under the proposal, Wynn’s Pond Road would turn north approximately 1,100 feet from Fischer Road and continue along the east side of the 35-acre tract proposed for rezoning for Kohl’s department store and other retailers and the soccer fields directly to their north. The proposal calls for Wynn’s Pond Road to wrap around the north side of the soccer fields and tie-in to Fischer Road.

The proposal also calls for the new portion of Wynn’s Pond Road to have a 50-foot dedicated right of way and an adjacent 100-foot buffer on the west side of the road to help provide screening from the commercial development. The buffer area is currently tree-lined.

The Coweta County Planning and Zoning Department has recommended denial of the proposal. The proposed project has received a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) approval with conditions from the Three Rivers Regional Commission along with approval with conditions from the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA).

Though not necessarily indicative of all on the board, some commissioners in the past have cited their disapproval of the request since an earlier agreement maintained that Wynn’s Pond Road would not be disturbed by the Fischer Crossing development.