Planning begins for county’s biggest birthday party


The 2011 Relay For Life of Fayette County’s Advisory Committee met for the first time last week.  The purpose of the meeting was to begin preparations for the 2011 Relay For Life of Fayette County.  The 2011 Relay will be held at the Atlanta Regional Airport – Falcon Field in Peachtree City. 

Welcoming the Advisory Committee to the new home of Relay was Aviation Director of the Peachtree City Airport Authority, John Crosby. 

“We are very excited to make this airport the home of Relay.  We are looking forward to many years together, and we welcome any Relay team, or potential team, who’d like an advance tour of the airport facilities, we will be glad to show them around” said Mr. Crosby as he addressed those in attendance.

The 2011 Relay For Life will not only be bigger, having a large area of the airport to pitch tents and set up booths, but it will also be “Dust Free” according to Bill Heaton, 2011 Co-Chairperson. 

Previous Relays For Life of Fayette County have been held at the Kiwanis Fairgrounds on the rocky, dusty track at that location.  This year cancer survivors and team participants will have a smooth, firm, paved runway of the airport under foot.   

Relay For Life is a fundraiser to raise money to fund research and development towards patient treatment and finding a cure for cancer.  Teams of 10 – 15 people join together to raise money through pledges, selling homemade merchandise or food, or providing a service to those who participate in the night long event. 

Relay For Life is also about honoring those who have survived cancer and celebrating more birthdays with them.  The event features cancer survivors as torch bearers, as honored guests, and gives them an opportunity to receive fellowship from other survivors. 

The 2010 Relay For Life of Fayette County raised $475,861.00 to fight cancer through research, programs and services, education and advocacy. 

The 2011 Relay For Life – A Non-Stop FLIGHT Against Cancer will start at dusk on Friday, April 29, 2011 and will conclude with a sunrise ceremony the next morning. 

Attending the Team Kick-Off is a great way to meet the Relay Organizing committee, team captains, and to get more information about volunteer or sponsorship opportunities that are available. 

For more information about Relay or Kick-off, or to join the 2011 Relay For Life Organizing Committee, please call Kim Westwood at 770-631-0625 or email [email protected].   

You can also check out the event website at