Commission acting like Democrats

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Commission acting like Democrats

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It is so discouraging to know that our local Republican elected Board of Commissioners is behaving like the activist ultra-liberals in Washington, D.C., that we have come to despise.

Is there anyone besides the developers who own the land who honestly thinks the West Fayetteville Bypass is a good idea? Please, give us a break!

It would be nice to have some genuine conservatives in the county government for a change. We can’t be complaining about how the folks in our nation’s capitol are wasting our money when the local Board of Commissioners is doing the very same thing right under our noses.

The commissioners couldn’t balance the county budget and now they want to continue wasting our taxes on frivolous projects like the West Fayetteville Bypass.

Fayetteville Mayor Ken Steele said the bypass would allow the developers to ramp up housing developments from North Fayette County all the way down to Starr’s Mill. I don’t want that and I can’t find anyone who does.

Our local government should be representing the people of this county. It is not the role of the County Commission to do whatever they desire without the consent of the people who voted them into office.

The County Commission does not need to be subsidizing the homebuilding industry with our taxes. The West Fayetteville Bypass is nothing more than a local welfare project which will provide no real benefit to any of us.

Take the bypass funds and spend them on legitimate transportation projects that will benefit us all. We deserve better. We demand better!

Nicole File

Peachtree City, Ga.

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