Outdoor burning OK starting Oct. 1


The annual outdoor burning ban in metro Atlanta is being lifted Friday, Oct. 1.

The Fayette County Department of Fire and Emergency Services will allow residential burning of leaves, yard clippings and brush limbs. The department has also established several restrictions on the burning as follows:

• The burning pile size shall be no larger than 10 feet wide, 10 feet long and 10 feet high;

• The burning pile shall not exceed 1,000 cubic feet of material;

• No more than one pile shall be burning at a time;

• All burning shall be at least 50 feet away from any structure;

• All burning shall be constantly attended until extinguished; and

• A garden hose, shovel and rake shall be readily available.

Officials are also urging citizens to avoid using gasoline to start burn piles and to keep a phone nearby in case of emergency. Fire officials can extinguish any fire if a complaint or complaints are received.

Contractors who are doing commercial burning must obtain a commercial burn permit.

To receive a residential burn permit for unincorporated Fayette County, Brooks, Tyrone and Woolsey, call 770-305-5468. For a commercial burn permit, call 770-305-5414. For more information visit www.fayettecountyga.gov.

The annual outdoor burning ban lasts through spring and summer to help improve air quality in the metro Atlanta area.