Rep. Yates: Opponent distorts record


I am state Representative John Yates, District 73. I have served the citizens conservatively and faithfully for about 20 years.

This email is to correct the inaccurate statements emailed to you by Mrs. Rose Carroll on Oct. 5, 2010.

Mrs. Carroll spent most of her time bragging about how many polls she answered and stating that I did not answer polls. The truth is I answered every one that I received.

Also she asked for votes, but gave no reason why the voters should vote for her.

During my service I have voted for thousands of bills, resolutions and amendments. I have also answered all of the calls, letters and emails received and there have been thousands. Mrs. Carroll did not question a single one of my votes or indicated how she would have voted.

We have both attended several forums in our three counties and she has only put forth two explicit proposals as follows:

1. She states that the state wastes money by using bonds. I replied that all states use bonds for such capital items as expensive buildings and that the extent of bond usage is within statutory limits and due to the state’s excellent record we have a AAA bond rating which means we can borrow with a much lower interest rate than most states.

2. She stated that she wants to do something about abortion. I told her that I was pro life and have been endorsed for re-election by the pro life people every year including this year. Also most of this is controlled by the U.S. Supreme Court with limited control by states.

Most accomplishments in government happen after a legislator has formed relationships and seniority. During my 20 years in the House I have formed many such relationships with Republicans and Democrats. I am highly respected in the Capitol and in my district.

As Chairman of the Defense & Veterans Affairs Committee I have helped many returning soldiers and veterans.

With my position on the Higher Education Subcommittee of Appropriations I have obtained the funding over several years for teaching in the new UGA-Griffin Campus. I have also obtained funding for Griffin Tech and Gordon College where I serve on the Gordon College Foundation.

This year we balanced a budget which was several billion less than five years ago without raising taxes.

I submit weekly press releases to every newspaper and radio station in District 73 and my phone number (770-227-1474) and address is widely distributed in an effort to be contacted by constituents.

Rep. John Yates, District 73

[email protected]

Griffin, Ga.