FFUMC youth help build house in Alabama; serve homeless in Atlanta


The youth of Fayetteville First United Methodist Church participated in a unique mission experience Oct. 14 – 17. The group of 45 partnered with the Fuller Center and Square Foot Ministries to build a home which was once just a concrete slab in Lanett, Ala.

Following the build, they went to SafeHouse Outreach in downtown Atlanta to work with the homeless.

The students spent time talking and listening as the homeless gathered for the youth to lead them in worship and provide them a meal. They served more than 200 homeless people. Following the meal, they showed a movie and offered the homeless cookies and coffee while washing their feet and providing them with fresh pairs of socks.

“The weekend had a huge impact on the students and adults that accompanied them,” a spokesperson said. “Some of the students made some pretty big sacrifices to participate.”

Square Foot Ministry (www.squarefootministry.com) is a local organization that focuses on Christian-based home repair and construction. SafeHouse Outreach (www.safehouseoutreach.org) is an outreach center focused on providing “a hand up, not just a hand out.”

FFUMC is at 175 East Lanier Avenue, Fayetteville.