Parker’s argument devolves into rant


In a manner not typical of liberals, Tim Parker starts off trying to make a reasoned, logical argument against Dr. Mark Hendrickson’s article from the previous week.

Halfway through his missive, Parker resorts to the tried and true liberal way of arguing an issue; that is, attack your opponents with name calling and hope that will overpower the lack of facts.

Parker’s assault on Rush Limbaugh (“bloated drug addict’) and Glenn Beck (“half-wit”) are specious and lend no substance to his argument.

Next, he makes a claim without basis in fact, that “the very rich who benefit most from our society, but wish to contribute proportionally the least.”

Yes, the rich benefit a lot from our economic system, but they also contribute proportionally much more in income taxes than their share of the income. Many of the wealthiest Americans are also the greatest contributors to philanthropy.

This, while those at the lower end of the economic ladder receive much from society and contribute little in taxes.

Finally, he closes with another ad hominen attack, this time on Grove City College, calling it a “crappy little college.”

Far from being “crappy” Grove City College is a highly ranked conservative college founded on Christian values (likely the reason Mr Parker thinks so poorly of the school). Grove City has received national recognition from many publications and its freshman classes typically have high SAT scores and an excellent average GPA.

Parker’s resorting to attacks on a school about which he obviously knows little reduces has argument to nothing more than the typical left wing rant.

Robert Brown

Peachtree City, Ga.