Time is getting close for the opening of the first businesses at east Coweta County’s new Fischer Crossings commercial development at Fischer Road and Ga. highways 34 and 54, less than a mile west of Peachtree City.
Sam’s Club is expected to open later this month but the NCG Cinemas will be delayed for a few weeks due significant rain in recent weeks that made the installation of the parking lot problematic.
The opening of the 136,000 square-foot Sam’s Club is still on track for later this month. The store’s fueling center on the north side of the store opened in mid-December.
Developer Scott Seymour said the inclement weather and rain-soaked ground around the theater will likely postpone the opening until sometime in March. The reason is that NCG Cinemas is constructing the parking area and the building, and the frequent rains during the past two or three months curtailed the work needed to have the parking lot installed in time for the late January opening that had been targeted, Seymour said.
Another new entry to the Fischer Crossings development is the Christian Brothers Automotive store opening Jan. 31, according to the company’s website. The store is located along Hwy. 34 and adjacent to Sam’s Club.
Commenting on other development topics, Seymour said he is still working with Coweta County to settle the lawsuit concerning the immediate northeast corner of Fischer Road and Hwy. 34 where a Kohl’s department store would serve as the anchor. Seymour said that, assuming the matter can be settled, Kohl’s is looking to open in the spring of 2012.
The suit by Seymour followed the Coweta County Commission’s 3-2 vote in September to deny a rezoning proposal that would have placed a Kohl’s department store and other retailers on the northeast corner of the large Fischer Crossing development.
The Oct. 1 suit filed in Coweta County Superior Court claims that the denial by county commissioners on a rezoning and road abandonment request where the Kohl’s would be located substantially and unreasonably diminished the value of the property and restricted its use.
The Coweta County Commission in the Sept. 21 split vote sided with the property owners of the long-established Featherston Fishing Club at Wynn’s Pond to deny the requests to rezone a portion of the 14-acre site from rural conservation to commercial that would have resulted in the establishment of 225,500 square feet of commercial space for Kohl’s, T.J. Maxx and other retailers. Commissioners also denied a request to re-route the portion of Wynn’s Pond Road that is currently situated adjacent to the 14-acre site.
Yet another update on the Fischer Crossings development pertains to a median cut on Ga. Highway 54 at Wynn’s Pond Road near the Fayette County line. Seymour said the Georgia Dept. of Transportation has approved the median cut, the cost of which will be absorbed by the developer.
The idea of installing a median cut as an alternative point of access for Wynn’s Pond Road property owners surfaced most recently in October.
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