Mike Speck Trio to appear in Newnan


Two local Newnan churches, Westside Baptist Church and New Lebanon Baptist Church, will host the Mike Speck Trio when it comes to Newnan Sunday, Jan. 23.

Westside Baptist Church will host the singing group for the 11 a.m. morning worship hour. New Lebanon Baptist Church will host the group at the 6 p.m. evening service.

For more than 35 years, Mike and Faye Speck have been singing and ministering to the body of Christ. As an ordained minister and former pastor, Mike has served on the staff of six different churches throughout Michigan, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Virginia; most recently serving as minister of music for the late Dr. Jerry Falwell at Thomas Road Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Va.

During the ‘80s and ‘90s, as a result of their city wide evangelistic crusades, the couple began writing and arranging music for church choirs. Today, thousands of churches regularly use their choral collections. They have arranged and compiled 26 different choral books and have continued to be one of the top sellers in the choral music industry.

The Specks make their home in Lebanon, Tenn., a suburb of Nashville. Over the years, The Specks have had the privilege of traveling with many different vocalists as part of the Mike Speck Ministries team. Currently, their daughter, Melody VanNus, sings the soprano vocals for the Specks. Involving the congregation, while utilizing the church choir and church musicians, the Specks offer an opportunity for those attending to join in worship.

These services are free and open to everyone. Love offerings will be received.

Westside Baptist Church is at 762 Smokey Rd., Newnan and New Lebanon Baptist Church is at 1674 Wagers Mill Rd., Newnan, just off of Ga. Highway 16.

For more information, contact Westside Baptist Church, 770-251-5333, or New Lebanon Baptist Church 770-253-2850, or email [email protected].