Five of Coweta County’s elementary, middle and high schools were recognized earlier this month for achievements during the 2009-2010 school year. The honors came by way of the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement.
School system spokesperson Dean Jackson said Evans Middle School, Western Elementary School, Northgate High School, Brooks Elementary School and Arbor Springs Elementary School were all recognized by the Office of Student Achievement and the Georgia Dept. of Education for improvement and achievement during the 2009-2010 school year.
The schools were recognized under Georgia’s Single Statewide Accountability System (SSAS), which awards schools based on their performance on state curriculum exams and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status, Jackson said.
Jackson explained that schools are assessed for the greatest gains in scores on the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) or the Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT) or for demonstrating the highest performance on the CRCT or GHSGT.
“The students and staff at these schools are to be commended for this significant achievement,” said State School Superintendent Brad Bryant. “These high levels of achievement and improvement don’t happen unless everyone is focused on the goal of providing a world-class education to every student.”
Evans Middle School was honored with a Gold Award for the greatest gains in the percentage of students meeting and exceeding standards on student performance criteria. To be recognized as a Gold winner, schools must have at least 30 percent of student exceed standards on the CRCT, must be in the 97th percentile of overall student gains on the state exams, and must have met AYP for at least two years, Jackson said.
Western Elementary School was recognized with a Bronze Award for the greatest gains in the percentage of students meeting and exceeding standards on student performance criteria, said Jackson. To be recognized as a bronze winner, schools must have at least 20 percent of student exceed standards on the CRCT and must be in the 95th percentile of overall student gains on the state exams, he added.
Jackson said Northgate High School, Brooks Elementary School and Arbor Springs Elementary School were recognized with a Bronze Award for the highest performance in meeting and exceeding standards on student performance criteria. To be recognized as a Bronze winner, schools must have at least 20 percent of student exceed standards on the CRCT or GHSGT and must be in the 95th percentile of overall student performance on the state exams, Jackson said.
“Congratulations to the principals, teachers, parents, and students at these schools,” said Kathleen Mathers, Executive Director of the Office of Student Achievement. “This is one way to say ‘great job’ to these school communities that have stayed focused and committed to helping children learn and achieve at high levels.”
Jackson said that all totaled, the five Coweta schools were among 345 schools across Georgia to be recognized on one of the four levels.
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