PTC lauded for fixing icy roads


Praise was heaped upon Peachtree City’s Public Works Department at Thursday night’s City Council meeting.

Specifically several compliments were aimed at the fantastic shape the city’s roads were in following the recent ice storm.

Councilman Doug Sturbaum said he had several co-workers who drove from other areas to work in the city, and they noted that the difference in the city’s road condition compared to other jurisdictions was evident as soon as they crossed the city limits.

“We got so many compliments from residents and business owners who came in from other parts of south metro Atlanta, and they said it was amazing … that it was like night and day, so public works did an awesome job,” said Interim City Manager Nikki Vrana.

Councilman Eric Imker noted that the Sany Corporation, which is building a heavy equipment assembly facility in Peachtree City, offered the use of a motor grader to help the city with ice and snow removal.

“That was very appreciated,” Imker said.

Councilwoman Kim Learnard complimented Vrana on making the tough decision to close the city for two working days due to the rough road conditions as many area roads were iced over.

Vrana noted that the decision was made after communicating on multiple phone calls with Police Chief Skip Clark, Fire Chief Ed Eiswerth and Public Works Director Mark Caspar.