20th century scourges: Nazism, Communism, Abortionism


This Monday, the Pro Life movement demonstrated throughout the country for the right to life and an end to abortion. The Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade ruling made abortion legal in this country causing the deaths of millions of innocent human beings. Why did this happen?

The twentieth century has experienced some of the most brutal and evil philosophies ever known by mankind – Communism and Nazism. These philosophies, which believe the ends justifies the means, were used to murder millions of innocent human beings for the greater good.

These philosophies classified human beings into two categories: persons with value and non-persons without value who were treated as parasites to their culture and society. These non-persons were murdered outright or used for medical experimentation and slave labor before being killed. This was all done for the supposed betterment of the Communist and Nazi cultures and societies.

Communism’s justification of killing non-persons was done to create a “workers paradise.” Nazism’s justification of killing non-persons was done to create a “super race.”

Both Communist and Nazi philosophies were fully supported and justified by the “enlightened elites” within their respective cultures and societies. Without these enlightened elites’ support, the Communist and Nazi philosophies would not have received the rationalization needed by their leaders.

The twentieth century has also experienced the rise of another very deadly philosophy, “Abortionism,” which justifies the killing of unborn human beings in order to create a better “quality of life” for others.

Just as Communism and Nazism dehumanized human beings into non-persons, so too does abortionism. Just as with Communism and Nazism, this dehumanization of human beings into non-persons is supported by the enlightened elites, providing the rationalization to the abortion leaders.

What are the terrible statistics of Communism, Nazism and Abortionism?

Communism has killed over 70 million human beings

Nazism has killed over 13 million human beings

Abortionism has killed over 50 million human beings

Communism and Nazism used an incremental approach to begin and then expand their approach to dehumanizing people and killing them. Abortionism uses the same approach.

What other innocent people have been and will be dehumanized in order to advance a supposed better quality of life for others — the aged, the sick, the diseased, the non-productive, inconvenient and imperfect persons (as defined by the enlightened elites) of our culture and society?

Where will it end?

Stephen Allen

Peachtree City, Ga.