High school students with disabilities, and their parents and educators, are invited to attend a workshop, Transition to Post-Secondary Options, on March 15 at Whitewater High from 6:30-8 p.m.
The workshop is designed to help parents and educators guide young people with disabilities in making appropriate decisions about higher education options.
Attendees will learn about the Georgia college/university application process for students with disabilities, discuss criteria and support for accommodations, as well as distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate accommodations, receive information about resources on post secondary options and address concerns and issues. A portion of the workshop will be devoted to assistive technology.
The Regents Center for Learning Disorders and the Metro South Georgia Learning Resources System (GLRS) are sponsors of the workshop. For more information, call Amor Kok, a counselor with the Fayette County Public School System, 770-900-1110 or email [email protected].
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