New PTC light may get ‘free’ solar panel


When it comes to Peachtree City projects, the word “free” isn’t often bandied about.

In this case, however, Peachtree City could be saving $16,000 if the Georgia Department of Transportation is able to pitch in with some help.

The $16,000 represents the cost it would take for utility companies to route a power line to the location of a brand-new flashing yellow caution light that will be built at the city’s Baseball and Soccer Complex on Ga. Highway 74 south.

But there is a possibility that the DOT will be able to provide a solar panel accessory for the light that will negate the need to spend the $16,000 in utility costs, City Manager Nikki Vrana told the City Council last week.

Yes, go ahead and say it. For free.

“Wow,” said Councilmember Kim Learnard.

“Outstanding,” added Mayor Don Haddix.

The flashing light is being added at the request of council due to concerns that the highway widening to four lanes will significantly increase the potential for a serious auto crash. City staff have noted that many of the cars leaving BSC go northbound on Ga. Highway 74, and to do so they will have to “shoot across” the two southbound lanes which will have traffic going at high speed.

Council wanted DOT permission to install a full signal at the intersection, but those requests have been rebuffed in large part due to the lack of traffic volume at the intersection.