All 5 Fayette high schools make state’s Advanced Placement honor roll

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All 5 Fayette high schools make state’s Advanced Placement honor roll

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Each of Fayette County’s five public high schools were among more than 350 high schools statewide to be included on Georgia’s 2011 list of AP (Advanced Placement) Honor Schools. The majority of Fayette’s high schools earned recognition in multiple categories based on the results of AP exams.

School system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Dreisbach said AP classes offer rigorous college-level learning options to students in high school. Students who receive a 3, 4 or 5 on AP exams may receive college credit. AP classes and exams are administered by the College Board, which also administers the SAT, according to Berry-Dreisbach.

“I continue to be impressed with the academic accomplishments of our student body,” said Superintendent Jeff Bearden. ”As I tour each of the facilities, I find teachers and students to be highly engaged and this latest piece of data is further testimony to the good work that happens in our schools on a daily basis. I am very pleased and very proud.”

Berry-Dreisbach said both Fayette County High School and Sandy Creek High School placed in the AP Access and Support Schools category: schools with 30 percent of AP test takers that are African-American or Hispanic and at least 30 percent of all AP exams scoring 3 or higher. Starr’s Mill High is listed as an AP Merit School: schools with at least 20 percent of students taking AP exams and at least half of the AP exams scoring a 3 or higher.

McIntosh High, Sandy Creek High, Starr’s Mill High and Whitewater High schools made the list for AP STEM Schools: schools with students testing in at least two AP math courses and two AP science courses (AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics B, AP Physics C, AP Computer Science), Berry-Dreisbach said.

McIntosh High, Sandy Creek High, Starr’s Mill High and Whitewater High schools also are listed in the AP STEM Achievement Schools category: schools with students testing in at least two AP math courses and two AP science courses, and at least 40 percent of the exam scores on AP math and AP science exams scoring a 3 or higher, said Berry-Dreisbach.

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