Tyrone adopts adult business, cell tower ordinances

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Tyrone adopts adult business, cell tower ordinances

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The moratorium of Tyrone’s Adult Business Ordinance came to an end with little fanfare Thursday night. The changes made to the ordinance were adopted unanimously by the town council. Council members also unanimously adopted a new Cell Tower Ordinance.

The Adult Business Ordinance had been subject to a moratorium while being reviewed by the town’s Planning Commission. Prior to the revision and adoption by the council the ordinance had allowed adult businesses to operate in both the M-1 (Light Manufacturing) and M-2 (Heavy Manufacturing) zoning districts.

Town manager Richard Newbern in describing the proposed changes said the Planning Commission recommended that adult-oriented businesses be located only in the town’s M-2 areas, Shamrock Industrial Park and the north side of Ga. Highway 74 near the quarry, that the businesses be at least 1,000 feet from private or public educational facilities, residential districts, public parks, recreational areas or other adult businesses.

The moratorium on the ordinance was set to expire on March 3.

Also unanimously adopted Thursday night was the town’s first cell tower ordinance. Newbern said the new ordinance included a maximum tower height of 199 feet and a minimum distance between towers of one mile. Towers are restricted to the M-1 and M-2 zoning districts and must be at least one mile apart.

Another provision of the ordinance stated that the towers must be enclosed by a black or gray vinyl-coated chain-link fence at least eight feet in height with access available through a locked gate.

Several on the town council thanked the Planning Commission for the extensive work that led to the adult business and cell tower ordinance proposals.

Also at the meeting, the council voted to award a $367,050 bid to Marietta-based Blount Construction, the low bidder for resurfacing projects on four roads. The majority of the funds will come from one-cent sales tax (SPLOST) dollars with the remainder coming from the town’s General Fund.

A total of $300,920 in SPLOST funds will be used to resurface Palmetto Road using full-depth reclamation while Autumn Trace will receive milling, patching and resurfacing work at a cost of $16,350.

Wildwood Court and Lynwood Road will also receive milling, patching and resurfacing work for a total cost of $66,130. Of that cost, $21,000 will be reimbursed by the state, leaving a cost to the town of $45,130.

The resurfacing projects could begin in approximately one month, depending on the weather, Newbern said.

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