County honored for counseling center project


The Atlanta Regional Commission is recognizing Fayette County government

for its participation in the creation of a new home for the Fayette Counseling Center.

Fayette officials are being honored for “Community Involvement and Collaboration” on the project, which involved the county donating unused property in south Fayetteville for the counseling center.

The county’s land was used to build a 4,000 square foot facility for the counseling center in the culmination of a three-year project involving local government, businesses, faith-based organizations and private citizens in Fayette County.

Square Foot Ministries guided construction of the facility, and the workforce included both professional contractors and citizens, many of whom worked on weekends to see the project through.

Local businesses pitched in, donating approximately $450,000 in materials.

The end result was that the community has a counseling center operating in a space designed for its needs.

Commissioner Robert Horgan was thanked Thursday night at the Fayette County Commission meeting for his work on the initiative.