Dear Chairman Frady: I attended my first Fayette County Workshop Meeting today because I fear our current lifestyle is in dire jeopardy if we are snared by ARC’s lure of money to fund local transportation projects in exchange for our joining them in their transit plan, which seems to have as its ultimate goal bringing mass transit to all the counties in the ARC.
Commissioner Brown made a well-laid-out, informative presentation about concerns of his, should Fayette County become part of ARC’s “Concept 3.”
Although you, Mr. Frady, said you will never approve mass transit in Fayette County, it appears that if we succumb to ARC’s transportation plans, we may very well have no voice in the matter, for, according to the minutes of the regional Transit Planning Board, their proposed transit network will not be “constrained by political boundaries.”
What if you are out-voted? Can we be positive they will be constrained by anything when it comes to regional intervention into our transportation affairs?
All Mr. Brown asked for was commission approval to place on the March 10 Board of Commissioners agenda, on behalf of all citizens of Fayette County, a resolution requesting the elimination of all planned public mass transit projects within Fayette County’s boundaries, including Concept 3, and all other mass transit plans.
This would have permitted the citizens of Fayette County to voice their concerns to you and our other public servants on the board.
But you and your cronies, commissioners Hearn and Horgan, voted in lockstep not even to put Mr. Brown’s resolution on next week’s agenda, thereby preventing your constituents from discussing an issue vital to the future of Fayette County.
How dare you so arrogantly dismiss the rights of the voters who once placed their trust in you? Why are you afraid of allowing this to come before a commission meeting?
Varner B. Holmes
Fayetteville, Ga.
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