At the last commissioners’ workshop meeting, Commissioner Steve Brown presented a resolution requesting the elimination of all planned public mass transit projects within Fayette County’s boundaries.
Commissioner Brown’s Resolution received thunderous applause from the entire audience. Once again the commission meeting room was filled with Fayette citizens.
Even though audience members were holding up signs in protest to mass transit in Fayette County, Chairman Frady and commissioners Hearn and Horgan denied Commissioner Brown’s resolution and thereby denied the citizens of Fayette County.
Chairman Frady and commissioners Hearn and Horgan have obviously forgotten who elected them. Former Commission Chairman Jack Smith didn’t work for the citizen’s of Fayette County either. He worked for the Atlanta Regional Commission. Obviously, Frady, Horgan and Hearn’s allegiance is to the Atlanta Regional Commission, also.
As a matter of public record, our former Board Chairman as well as our other representative to the Atlanta Regional Transportation Roundtable, Mayor Ken Steele, voted on Dec. 17, 2010 to approve a funding formula allowing up to 60 percent or $4.5 billion of our tax dollars for the 2012 Transportation Sales Tax referendum to be used for capital projects, maintenance and operations for mass transit.
Yet, Chairman Smith and Mayor Steele both said that they were not in favor of mass transit in Fayette County.
This past week, former Commission Chairman Jack Smith was praised, awarded and honored for his allegiance to the Atlanta Regional Commission. Where was his allegiance to the citizens of Fayette County?
Virginia Allen
Fayetteville, Ga.
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