Dog-bite boy: Animal Control blows it again


Recently you may have read an article my mother wrote about her disgust how Fayette County Animal Control wouldn’t retrieve a dog that bit her grandson and she just wondered where our taxpayers’ dollars are going if that’s no longer in their job description.

My mother didn’t mean ill feelings towards the owners of the dog. It was just that the dog is tied and exposed to wildlife that carry diseases and he wasn’t current on shots, as confessed by the owner. All she wanted was it to be picked up and tested.

That being said, the owners had to take it in. So my question is, if my mom reported the bite and a official report was made, what do you feel the protocol should be after the dog was tested?

If you were the parent and family of this child, wouldn’t you be waiting anxiously to hear the results or to see if you need to go beyond the standard care of a wound? I sure would.

Well, in another what I feel was a blatant error, the parent of the child or grandparent was never notified that the dog was cleared. Instead they let the dog owner know and after not hearing anything from either, my mom had to call after hearing the dog barking and realizing it was back.

I work in the medical field and feel this is inexcusable. None of this has been to embarrass the owner of the dog; they are good friends. My mother has always stood for what is right and has never been afraid to state it. She is a strong intelligent woman and I’m proud to call her mother, but I know she must get tired of always having to do the fighting, [thus] this letter.

If you feel as strongly about this as we do, please contact Fayette Animal Control and let them know this was handled poorly. Remember this could happen to your child, grandchild, or friend.

Kathy G. McCormick

Fayette County, Ga.