PTC announces plans for 2011 Memorial Day observance


Roy Mooney is a man who understands the importance of remembering history; on Memorial Day in Peachtree City this year, Mooney will share history that he lived as one of the few remaining survivors of the Day of Infamy, Pearl Harbor.

“The longest day of my life was December 7, 1941,” Roy Mooney recalls vividly, remembering how he narrowly survived the Japanese sneak attack that officially drew America into WWII. Mooney, now well into his 80s, is one of only about 30 known Pearl Harbor survivors in Georgia and less than 3,000 nationwide.

The Monday, May 30, event will start at 9 a.m. with color guards leading a golf cart procession into City Hall/Library Plaza. The golf cart procession, open to the public, steps off from The Gathering Place at 8:30 and winds around a scenic route skirting Lake Peachtree before being heralded into the plaza by marching music.

At 9 a.m. after the golf cart procession arrives, honors to the flag will commence, followed by a memorial wreath presentation by the local veterans organizations and taps played by a bugler. Featured singing groups will perform music before, during and after the event.

Local teen singer and songwriter Lindee Link will perform, as will “Men of the Mill,” a student men’s accapella group from Starr’s Mill.

The student winner of a local VFW writing contest will read the winning essay. There will be static displays of vintage military equipment, refreshments for spectators and more.

The event is held outdoors at the Veterans Memorial in City Hall/Library Plaza unless weather turns inclement, when it is moved across the street to the First Presbyterian Church.

Memorial Day has been celebrated on the last Monday in May since 1971; prior to that it was observed each year on May 30. This national holiday is set aside to remember Americans who, throughout this country’s history, have sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of defending and supporting the founding values and principles.

The origins of Memorial Day are subject to interpretation; however, it is generally believed that it had its roots in the American Civil War and it has evolved through the years.

The Kiwanis Club of Peachtree City, VFW Post 9949, local American Legion posts 105 and 50, the local Marine Corps League detachment and Peachtree City’s Recreation Department jointly support this event. Call 770-631-2542 for more information.