With friends like Obama, who needs enemies?


With friends like President Obama, who needs enemies? If you’re Israel, you already have quite enough of those.

On May 14, 2011, the State of Israel observed the 63rd anniversary of its independence. But if the proposals made by President Obama in his State Department speech are implemented, that observance could be its last.

It is difficult to say if the president is self-deluded, if he drinks State Department Arabist Kool-Aid or if he’s just a fool. It doesn’t matter. The results are the same.

Why does anyone continue to believe that the unsuccessful “Land for Peace” formula can magically persuade Arab states and terrorist groups to lay down their arms and change their minds about a goal they have taught in their schools, preached in their mosques and reinforced in their media since 1948?

The president’s peace formulation is as likely to succeed as Harold Camping’s doomsday prophecy.

This is the reality, expressed by Hamas’ former minister of “culture,” Atallah Abu Al-Subh, and broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV: “The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the earth.” Would 1967 borders change his mind?

Here’s another excerpt from Al-Subh’s April 8 sermon: “Whoever is killed by a Jew receives the reward of two martyrs, because the very thing that the Jews did to the prophets was done to him.” That would be 144 virgins and double the fig ration.

He continued: “Allah will kill the Jews in the hell of the world to come, just like they killed the believers in the hell of this world.” And “The Jews kill anyone who believes in Allah. They do not want to see any peace whatsoever on Earth.”

This kind of “peace” means no Jews with all Israel occupied and dominated by legions of Muslims who will impose Sharia law to the detriment of women and anyone who believes in a different God and different laws and rules.

The apologists for such rhetoric, which is legion, turn blind eyes and deaf ears to the intent and objectives of Hamas, which is increasingly considered mainstream in the Arab world. Arab and Palestinian diplomats say one thing for Western consumption and the opposite when communicating with their own.

In his bold rebuke of President Obama in the Oval Office, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a history lesson. Ignorance of history threatens not only Israel, but also American interests and ultimately America itself. That’s because Arab intentions to dominate do not end in the Middle East. “Peace based on illusions,” said Netanyahu, “will crash eventually on the rocks of Middle East reality.”

Once again the prime minister noted that Israel’s 1967 borders would be indefensible. All of the talk by this and previous administrations of “unshakable” support for Israel is meaningless if enemy tanks, missiles and especially nuclear weapons are used against this tiny nation. What would America do? Bomb Iran? Invade Egypt? Strafe Syria? The State Department would likely wring its hands and blame Israel for its own destruction, saying it should have compromised sooner.

The ludicrously named “Arab Spring” is more like an Arab winter that will never end as long as radical Islam is the established religion. Very little good is likely to come out of the uprisings from Egypt to Syria and beyond because there is no foundation in the region for political pluralism, religious tolerance and equality for women. Such things are not part of their political and religious DNA. So why is the U.S. sending billions more in borrowed money to Egypt when the Muslim Brotherhood candidate might win the upcoming election?

It is only when the State Department and the White House begin to understand reality that Israel’s — and America’s — interests will be served.

The public seems to understand that better than politicians and diplomats. A recent Rasmussen poll found that 78 percent of U.S. voters believe peace between Israel and the Arab world is unlikely. Thousands of years of history and common sense confirm this.

[Cal Thomas is America’s most widely syndicated op-ed columnist, appearing in more than 600 national newspapers. He is the author of more than 10 books and is a FOX News political contributor since 1997. Email Cal Thomas at [email protected].] ©2011 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.