Fayette Family Church will host its first ‘Multicultural Day’ Sunday


Fayette Family Church will have its firstl Multicultural Day this Sunday, June 12, at 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. to celebrate its diversity and unity.

Members will wear festive clothing representing their country and culture and will bring their flags which represent 21 countries.

The Ugandan Thunder Children’s Choir as well as the Hispanic community will perform in song. The evening service will present the “Ugandan Thunder” Children’s Choir from East Africa performing in both English and Lugandan. The 17 boys and girls will share about growing up in a land ravaged by a 21-year war, poverty, AIDS, and malaria.

“Pennies For Posho” is a non-profit Christian organization supporting 10 orphanages dedicated to feeding the hungry children of Africa.

FFC is at 1729 Ga. Hwy. 54 West, Fayetteville. For more information, call 770-461-6235, or visit www.fayettefamilychurch.org or www.penniesforposho.org.