Who’s protecting us from Ga. Power?

[The following letter was sent to Georgia Public Service Commissioner Stan Wise.]

When I called to complain to Georgia Power’s (no) customer service for the unprecedented increase in my electric bill this year versus last year …. I was given this simple answer;

“Everything we do is approved by the Georgia Public Service Commission”.

Well, if that is a fact, please help me understand the following:

1. Since I do not have a choice of electric companies (I know that this is a fact) then why was this outright monopolistic situation approved by the Georgia Public Service Commission?

I’m sure you are are you aware that there are other competitors in electric commerce that would gladly vie for my home’s electric business. It is also a fact, that in competitive marketplace, competition breeds improvements and lower prices. So, why no competitors?

2. The PSC approved Georgia Power to take a kilowatt hour rate increase for 2011. Is this correct? Why was this approved in this horrendous economy?

3. The PSC also approved Georgia Power to increase their 2011 “Municipal Franchise Fee.” Sorry, I’m not really sure what this fee is, or why on earth is it being increased? Do you know?

4. The PSC also approved Georgia Power to increase their 2011 “Environmental Compliance Cost Fee.” Ditto to above comment regarding what, why and do you know?

5. The PSC also approved Georgia Power to implement a new fee for 2011: “The Nuclear Construction Cost Recovery Fee.” Again, what, why and do you know? (I’d also like to add, Are you pulling our leg with this new fee?)

I can only assume PSC figured the above 2011 Georgia Power increases weren’t a good enough hit on the fixed income families living in Fayette County (and perhaps other counties).

I’d like to suggest that the PSC consider working harder (next year) for the good of the public versus the monopolies. Or perhaps, you should just consider changing the name of the PSC to more aptly reflect your true constituents.

I do not want to be so bold as to come up with the name myself (even though I have a few good ideas), but perhaps our local newspapers could run a new name changing contest for the benefit of the Georgia Public Service Commission.

Just a matter of fact, when I compared this month’s 2011 bill for a 30-day period where I used 4810 kWh to a 30-day month in 2010 where I used 5,008 kWh (200 kWh higher usage last year!), this year’s bill was still 10 percent higher ($759.01 vs $692.92).

The municipal franchise fee increased 10 percent as well, and the environmental compliance cost fee increased a whopping 73 percent! Obviously I didn’t have the new nuclear construction cost recovery fee (of $23.55) last year. This year’s fees (for 1 month) totaled over $84, before even being charged for my higher cost electric use.

Wow, what a deal! I’m sure glad the Georgia Public Service Commission is looking out for the public interest.

A Fayette County resident for more than 30 years and tired of getting shafted,

Dan Cupertino

Fayetteville, Ga.