Obama waging class warfare on unemployed


The Senoia Tea Party Patriots are calling on President Obama to stop waging class warfare on the backs of the unemployed as a smokescreen to keep overspending.

During the debt ceiling debate, the President has cast his opponents as wanting to put “a gun against the heads of the American people to extract tax breaks for corporate jet owners” and the President said he would not “balance the budget on the backs of middle-class families and working-class families.”

This class warfare rhetoric cannot obstruct the truth: President Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling so he can overspend even more. We, the Tea Party Patriots, respectfully say “no.”

Overspending is the problem. More government overspending is not the solution. Visit http://www.NoDebtIncrease.com to say ‘no’ to more debt and ‘no’ to more overspending.

The Tea Party Patriots have three founding principles: free markets, limited government and fiscal responsibility. All three are violated by a government that raises its debt ceiling so it can overspend more.

Thomas Jefferson said debt is “the greatest of dangers to be feared” because “the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity [is] swindling futurity on a large scale.”

The government’s current overspending amounts to $45,000 in debt for each American. Future overspending (unfunded liabilities) increased $5.3 trillion in 2010 alone, and now total $61.6 trillion or $528,000 for each American household, as reported in USA Today on July 13, 2011.

More than 40,000 people have signed so far. Congress must pass the Full Faith and Credit Act HR 421 which will make sure that the Interest is paid frst, it should then include the following sequence Military, Social Security, Medicare.

Joe Cannin
Senoia Tea Party Patriots
[email protected]