Location changed for PTC National Night Out


The location for Peachtree City’s National Night Out Tuesday has been changed to Drake Field, the open field area between the city library and Lake Peachtree.

The event, slated from 7 to 9 p.m., is part of a larger national anti-crime campaign. There will be a host of public safety equipment on display for the public to see, including fire department ladder trucks, helicopters, police vehicles, auto wreckers and more.

Also planned is a special event for the children, a public safety scavenger hunt that requires them to check in with various agencies that will be on hand.

There will also be inflatables for the young children to enjoy, and a “rollover simulator” that shows participants what can happen when they don’t wear their seatbelt.

Just like last year, there will be a host of public safety personnel on hand, including police officers, firefighters and staff from the Fayette County Jail, a part of law enforcement that most of the public doesn’t see very much.

Also this year there will be a host of city representatives because the event focuses on all aspects of community safety, and entities such as the city’s recreation department play a role in that as well, Brown said.