Changes to F’ville business park zoning district to be studied


A proposed amendment to the Fayetteville Business Park (BP) zoning district adds a number of new permitted uses that city staff say will help create planned development and related commercial opportunities for the city’s future. The measure will come before the City Council for a vote at the Aug. 4 meeting.

The city’s comprehensive plan calls for the BP district to reflect uses intended to create planned, mixed use development and related commercial establishments to help generate employment opportunities that focus on knowledge-based industries, research and development, office space and limited light industrial operations along major thoroughfares, Senior Planner Linwood Robinson said in an Aug. 4 letter to the City Council.

Robinson said that some of the uses in the current BP zoning district have been retained while several other appropriate uses from the communities around the metro area have been added. The impetus for the proposal came after a 2009 review of the city’s planning documents and was part of the city’s Quality Growth Audit.

There are two large areas in the city zoned BP. Both are situated on either side of Ga. Highway 85 immediately north of the Fayette Pavilion.

The proposed list of permitted uses for the BP zoning district include professional and business offices, government facilities, cultural facilities, medical and dental offices, educational and training facilities, supply stores, electronic equipment facilities and assembly plants that are not objectionable due to environmental issues, printing and publishing businesses, research and laboratory facilities, wholesaling and warehousing facilities, retail sales businesses of less than 1,500 square feet that serve the BP district and accessory parking lots or garages. A number of the proposed uses come with additional criteria such as no outdoor storage or the requirement for approval by special exception.

Still other proposed uses include financial institutions, day care facilities, barber and beauty salons, travel agencies, music and dance schools, interior decorating businesses, locksmiths and gunsmiths (without firing ranges), sports instructional facilities, health and fitness facilities, art galleries and craft and other speciality shops.

Sit-down restaurants are also a proposed use as long as seating is limited to 80 customers and no drive-thru is available.

Among the current permitted uses proposed to be withdrawn from the ordinance are fabricating and assembling of products and processing and compounding materials.