It’s put-up-or-shut-up time for municipal candidates in three Fayette cities this week. To be on the ballot this fall, candidates in Fayetteville, Tyrone and Peachtree City have to file official paperwork and pay qualifying fees this week.
In Fayetteville, those qualifying by noon on Aug. 30 included two candidates for the Post 1 seat and two candidates for the Post 2 seat. Also qualifying again for mayor was incumbent Ken Steele.
The Post 1 seat for the Fayetteville City Council has incumbent Wilson Price qualifying along with educator and pastor Edward Johnson.
The Post 2 council seat qualifiers as of noon on Aug. 30 had marketing director Cathy Cochran signing up to run against businessman Mickey Edwards. Incumbent Al Hovey-King had not qualified as of noon.
Qualifying in Fayetteville runs through this Wednesday, Aug. 31.
In Tyrone there are three seats to be decided by voters, including mayor and the Post 1 and Post 2 Town Council seats.
As of 1:30 p.m. on Aug. 30, Post 2 Councilman Eric Dial qualified to run for mayor.
The qualifier for the Post 1 seat was bookkeeper Linda M. Howard. Incumbent Tracy Young had not qualified by press time.
Post 2 qualifiers included career consultant Pota Coston and manager Ryan Housley.
Qualifying in Tyrone runs through this Friday, Sept. 2.
Although three candidates have announced they will run for seats on the Peachtree City Council, no one has bothered to officially fill out the paperwork as of lunchtime Tuesday.
The deadline for qualifying to run is 4:30 p.m. Friday.
Up for election are the Post 1 council seat held by Eric Imker and the Post 2 council seat held by Doug Sturbaum. Imker has said he will seek re-election while Sturbaum is declining to run again.
Also joining the fray are two political newcomers: Smokerise resident Scott Brown, who will be seeking the Post 2 seat, and Robinson Woods resident George Dienhart, who is running against Imker.
The qualifying fee is $180 and candidates must be at least 21 years old, be a qualified voter in the city and have continuously lived in the city for at least six months immediately prior to the election.
Anyone with questions about the qualifying process may email City Clerk Betsy Tyler at [email protected].